
The spirit of the community

This is a social network where people meet to dialogue in a respectful, constructive and serene way. In order to preserve the positive climate of our community, we invite you to respect the values ​​and rules in this Regulation and in theTerms and Conditionsof Community Use. We also invite you to report the behavior of other users if they violate our rules (see:Moderation is participated).

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Characteristics of the "ideal" contribution

It is engaging and stimulates the exchange of ideas

We want the interactions between our users to be confrontational and characterized by mutual respect, even when we have different ideas and points of view.
Dialogue understood as a civil confrontation, and not as a rigid stance that denies the right to reply or demeans others' opinions, is a necessary condition for preserving the spirit of the community.

Is cured in the form and in the substance

We ask you to write down your speeches thinking about the fact that you find a place for comparison. The more you will be clear and complete in proposing your ideas and your thoughts, the more you will be able to encourage interaction between you and other users. Interventions that have a clear title, an appropriate relevance between content and associated interests and that are accompanied by your thoughts or point of view, favor the comparison between users.

It is not self-referencing

The contributions posted must generate a constructive exchange of opinions and provide useful elements for the creation of positive and valuable interactions.
The interventions must not be published for the sole purpose of self-promotion, to gain personal visibility or to show off.

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Moderation is shared

We ask for your cooperation to preserve the positive spirit of the community. Here's how moderation works:

  1. The reports must conform to the irregularity case described in paragraphWhat you can report.
  2. The reports are visible only to those who have performed them.
  3. In the event that a content is reported by the community, the system will hide or remove the reported content.
  4. If the irregular behavior is repeated, the system will block the user.
  5. Users who use the report systematically incorrectly will be blocked.
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What can you report


Help us to discourage SPAM and intrusive advertising by reporting, for example:

  • Post and pretentious comments, useless to the discussion, used to mention companies and products, without the other participants having requested them.
  • Companies that pretend to be consumers, customers or users of their products or services.
  • Announcements of buying and selling, I offer / I am looking for work etc.
  • Signed contributions with telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, company or personal addresses.
  • Shortlink, referral link or URL without accompanying text.

Substandard content

"Poor" content does not stimulate discussion, takes away interesting interventions, disturbs users through unwanted notifications.

Be careful though: content that you do not agree with is not "bad" content.

Here are some examples of "bad" content:

  • Hurried, cryptic, or meaningless titles
    For example: "Your opinion ...", "What do you think?" And similar titles.
  • Comments without added value
    For example: "Hi hi hi, I do not know", or "What do you talk about in this post?" And comments on this content.
  • Self-posting posts
    For example: links, images or videos shared for the sole purpose of being noticed, contributions without a text that motivate sharing and stimulate discussion and exchange of ideas.

Aggressive content

Help us to discourage aggressive behavior by signaling, for example:

  • Offensive content.
  • Content that incites violent behavior.
  • Illegal, racist or discriminatory content.
  • Attacks, swearing or insults, directed against other people or companies, associations, movements, organizations, even if they do not belong to the community.

Vulgar content

We do not accept vulgar expressions and images, especially when they are used to attract attention or provoke other users. Help us to discourage this behavior by reporting the use of expressions, images, obscene, indecent, scandalous, or bloody videos that may offend the sensibility of the community.

Off-topic content

A post is "off topic" when it is not relevant to the interests associated with it. The posts "off topic" damage the experience of using other users who follow that interest.
Do not report content on topics that you do not know as "off topic", you may be wrong.

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Other behaviors not allowed

In order not to contravene the community rules, we also ask you to:

  • Do not post the same post multiple times
    Because, if you do, remove space for other contents.
  • Do not publish phone numbers, e-mail addresses, contact details
    Because we can not verify that they really belong to those who publish them.
  • Do not publish shortlinks, referral links, or URLs without accompanying text
    Because they are often used to spread SPAM, viruses, malware etc.
  • Avoid implied, hasty or simple links
    Because a clear and comprehensible title promotes participation and constructive dialogue.
  • Do not post posts in a foreign language
    The official language of the community is English. Therefore, contributions in a foreign language are not allowed. On the other hand, quotations are admitted, suitably accompanied by an English text that explains its meaning.


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This Regulation is an integral part of our "Terms and Conditions of Use" of the service, where you can find listed and described the legal and behavioral rules to be respected in the use of the community. In the Privacy we explain how we protect the privacy of our users subscribed to the service.
Finally, we remind you that the community staff, at its sole discretion, has the right to eliminate content and remove from the platform users who do not comply with this regulation and other rules of conduct established by the community.